Our Marketing Department offers competitive market price and a guaranteed true weight measurements of copra, palay (rice), corn, and cacao produce. Farmer-members yield higher profits through this service that eliminates excessive expenditures from utilizing middlemen. Members can also request for their crop-produce to be hauled by the cooperative for a discounted fee.
Each product is priced according to their quality.
Rice | High Quality Rice Grains(Long sized and bold shaped, medium to none chalky grains, polished grains) | PHP16 per kilo |
Rice | Fair Quality Rice Grains ((Medium/small sized, slender/short shaped, medium to large chalky grains) | PHP14 - PHP16 per kilo |
Cacao Beans | N/A | PHP35 per kilo |
Corn | N/A | PHP18 per kilo |
Copra | N/A | PHP34 per kilo |